How to enable disabled USB Ports in a Computer

5:11:00 PM

Open Registry ' Expand HKLM ' Expand System ' Expand CurrentControlSet ' Expand Services.
Scroll down to find "USBSTOR"
Right Click on "USBSTOR" and click on Permissions
Click on Advanced
Check box "Inherit from parent the permission entries that apply to child objects. Include these with entries explicitly defined here"
Click on Apply

Click on OK
Select USBSTOR and on the Right side double click on start and set the value data to 3
Value data: 3 to enable and 4 to disable (USB Mass storage device)

Once changed the setting in registry please go to the windows folder (C:\Windows) and then enter into the hidden INF folder and modify the file name
Enable (USB Mass storage device) file names - usbport.inf & usbport.PNF
Disable (USB Mass storage device) file names - usbport.inf.disabled & usbport.PNF.disabled
(Just rename usbport.INF.disabled and usbport.PNF.disabled to usbport.INF & usbport.PNF respectively.)
Restart the system for changes to get affect. 
Go to computer management window and uninstall if any USB mass storage is showing with an exclamatory mark and then scan for hardware changes connecting the USB thumb / storage device to complete the USB storage drivers installation.

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