Web Pages Easy-to-Read on Kindle and other E-Readers

7:00:00 PM

Make Web Pages Easy-to-Read on Kindle and other E-Readers

Kindle’s screen, while great for reading  books in broad daylight, lacks when it comes to reading articles on Web seconds.
First, enter the URL for the article or Web page you wish to convert for your e-reader in the green text-entry box. Click Preview.

sites. Kindle’s screen is 6-9 inches and only displays in black and white. Most Web sites display a full range of colors with complicated themes that just do not translate well on Kindle or any other e-reader.
The best way to view articles from Web sites on Kindle is to save them in a compatible format and send them to your Kindle. Just printing articles as PDFs usually makes a mess. Kindle It has a better idea.

Kindle It can take most any Web page and convert it to a nice, clean, perfectly legible Kindle, ePub, PDF or Mobi file in

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