How to adjust icon labels and transparency with Alphacon

7:47:00 PM

       Wondering how to easily and quickly adjust the transparency of your icons or turn off labels? If youJailbreak, you may want to check out Alphacon. Other apps like Winterboard allow you to do this but if you want something much more simple, Alphacon is it.
       Once installed it will appear in your settings. You can choose to turn transparency on and off and further customize what icons you want the settings to apply to (home screen, dock, folders, etc). So if you’d like for your dock icons to not be transparent you can just tick off the transparency option for the dock. Same deal with icon labels. You can choose to turn them all off or just some. I personally still like to see my folder labels so I leave those on but turn off icon labels for everything else.
Alphacon is currently available in Cydia for free.

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