Facebook Timeline: Important privacy settings to adjust now

8:32:00 PM

When your Facebook account is migrated to the new Timeline—which Facebook started rolling out Thursday—you’ll have one week to make any adjustments to your past posts and privacy settings before your Timeline will go live for everyone to see. You can publish it yourself anytime within the five-day waiting period.
Here are what your options are for adjusting your settings, based on the level of privacy you want to achieve.
1. How to make all posts friends-only
It’s possible that your past posts have varied privacy settings based on when they were posted. One way—the easiest of them all—is to use one of the blanket privacy settings introduced not long ago: “Limit the Audience for past Posts.”
You’ll find this option near the bottom of your Privacy Settings page.
If you decide to use this option, content on your timeline that you’ve shared with more than your friends—such as public posts—will automatically change to Friends only. With this setting, though, people who are tagged and their friends will still be able to see the post.
2. Limit the posts by others on your timeline

Another way to hide past posts is to limit specific people or lists of people from viewing what others have posted to your wall. To do this, go to your Privacy Settings page, then select “Edit Settings” next to “How You Connect.” Select the drop-down menu next to the last item—“Who can see posts by others on your timeline?” and choose “Custom.”
In the box under “Hide this from,” type the names of the people or the lists that you want to exclude from viewing posts on your wall by others, for example those on your Limited Profile list. Then click Save Changes.
3. Edit every post manually
I wouldn’t recommend this option to anyone—especially those who have been Facebook users for several years—because of how time-consuming it could be.
Your timeline lets you search by the year, which breaks down into months. Hover over a story in the timeline to hide a particular one—this means that no one will be able to see it.
While this is a tedious process, it does appear it’s the only way to ensure you’re hiding exactly what you want from the people you want.
And there’s always the “View Profile As” feature, which shows you what others see when they look at your profile.
To find this feature after you’ve migrated to the new timeline, click the gear icon on the right, below your cover photo, then click “View As…” from the drop-down menu. To preview how your profile appears to the public, click the link in the text, or type a person’s name into the field and click enter

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