Microsoft`s HoloDesk

12:30:00 PM

   HoloDesk is a novel interactive system combining an optical see through display and Kinect camera to create the illusion that users are directly interacting with 3D graphics. A virtual image of a 3D scene is rendered through a half silvered mir-ror and spatially aligned with the real-world for the viewer.
Users easily reach into an interaction volume displaying the virtual image. This allows the user to literally get their hands into the virtual display. A novel real-time algorithm for rep-resenting hands and other physical objects, which are sensed by the Kinect inside this volume, allows physically realistic interaction between real and virtual 3D objects.

   Currently the system is in draft form. It will take some time until we can interact with such devices when they go to the mall or decide to spend our free time waiting for our plane. However the system allows an overview of the technologies that could be integrated into future Microsoft products.

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