How to Download US-Only Free App Store Apps From Outside of the US

11:37:00 PM

A common complaint about free app giveaways is that they’re often constrained to the USA based iOS App Store, in other words if you’re outside of the US you don’t get in on deals like the recent Rage HD giveaway and the ongoing myriad of other free app offers. This is a bummer for anyone outside of the USA, but thankfully, it’s somewhat easy to alleviate.

The core solution here is to just create an alternate iTunes account that is based in the USA. If you’re going to follow this solution and juggle multiple iTunes accounts, this menubar utility makes switching between them easy and is highly recommended.
Before you get started, you’ll need two things:
·         Register another free email account, Gmail is free, quick, and easy
·         Any valid US address – use your cousins, uncles, Apple’s, Google’s, etc
Got that? Let’s get started.
·         Open the App Store from an iPhone or iPad, and from the “Featured” section scroll down to the bottom and select “Sign Out”
·         Now while signed out, locate a free app to download in the App Store, anything in the ‘free download’ section should work
·         Try and download the free app, and then select “Create Apple ID” when asked
·         Follow the instructions to create a secondary iTunes account, be sure to select United States as the country
·         At the credit card and payments screen, select “None” and continue – if you have any problem with this step read our guide on how to create an iTunes account without a credit card
·         After you have registered the US iTunes account, verify and activate the account by checking your freshly created email account from the first step
Now you should have complete access to the US iTunes and App Store, which lets you download any of the free apps only available to US-based users. Yes, this technique should also work for the Mac App Store.

Additionally, if you want to access paid US App Store downloads, you can always buy a iTunes gift card and redeem the code on the credit-card free iTunes account to have a balance that is then able to purchase apps as usual.

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